Day 3- Black Women’s Activism in the US
Image by The Library of Congress via Flickr The descendants of black slaves in the United States were deprived of their histories from the moment they were kidnapped. Given white names and forbidden...
View ArticleDay 4- Latina/Chicana Women’s Activism in the US
Like their black sisters, women of Spanish/Hispanic/Latina/Chicana/Tejana heritage in the United States grapple with the naming of their own identities, and in the past, faced overt racist violence in...
View ArticleDay 5- Native American Women’s Activism
Image by Smithsonian Institution via Flickr Native American women, like their Arab, Asian, black and Latina sisters, have also struggled in naming their own identities. Christopher Columbus’s...
View ArticleDay 25- SisterSong
To the readers who know me personally, the lack of discussions surrounding sex and reproductive rights and health has probably been puzzling. Sex, sexual rights, and sexual health are some of the areas...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to White People
Dear White People, I seriously debated the title of this post, with White Privilege & Cultural Appropriation 101 and How to Not Suck as an Ally both strong contenders. If you can’t tell just how...
View ArticleBlack Lives Matter: Reflections on the Death of Sandra Bland
Get ready to get uncomfortable. One of the biggest privileges of having white skin is believing, knowing, that if you call the police they will feel more inclined to “protect and serve” you than not....
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